Jaimee Draper

HS English
Year Started at PC: 2023

Subjects You Teach: English

Degree: BS – Secondary English

Relevant Work Experience: I have taught in Christian Schools since 2000

Why Phoenix Christian?: The Lord opened the door and I’m excited to be part of the team.

List a favorite verse and why: Zeph 3:17 It is packed with the promise of His salvation and kindness to sing over us.

Something you do for fun when you’re not teaching: Sing and record/narrate audio books.

Who was your favorite teacher and why? Mr. Edmonds. He inspired excellence, he was steady and he loved Jesus!

List a favorite quote: “Do or not not, there is no try!” Yoda
“All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.” Gandalf the Grey

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